The girls were crazy excited about going to the USA football game this past Saturday. Shane had to be there most of the day doing stuff with the team. He met me and the girls there right before the game to let us in the gate. They were fully decked in the cheer leading attire. We actually had a knock-down drag-out fight before leaving the house because they wanted to wear their Georgia cheer leading outfits and this was not going to be possible because 1. They were University of Georgia and we were going to a USA that wouldn't be good :) and 2. They were WAY too their booties hung out the bottom of the skirts. SO.....we finally came to a resolution....Georgia cheer leading outfits with JAGS T-shirts over the top (tied off with a rubber band to the side b/c they were too big) along with white tights under the skirts so they were no longer flashing their booties :) They COULD NOT wait to see the marching band and their idol....the feature twirler, Miss Missy :)
Walking with daddy to the stadium....

I made sure we got there a few minutes before the game so we could see the band's pre-game show. Here are the girls anxiously awaiting for the band and their idol....
AND here she is ladies and gentlemen.....MISS MISSY!!!

and the MARCHING BAND!!!!

They were SO happy :)

And they clapped and clapped and clapped :)

After the pre-game show, the band went and sat in their designated spot on the OTHER side of the stadium from where our seats were. From that point on the girls were begging me to take them over to where Miss Missy and the marching band were at. I mean....they probably asked 1000 times in the first quarter....seriously :)

The daddy on the sidelines....

The daddy and "Missa Mark" as the girls call him :)

Lauren busted out pom-poms for the girls. They were pumped.

Jocie didn't stop cheering :)

They screamed daddy's name SO long and SO loud that he finally heard them....all the way from the sidelines. I hate this pic is blurry :(
Snack time....

They spotted Southpaw, the USA mascot, from a distance. They finally talked me into tracking him down so they could meet him. Here is Jocie trying to locate the "willy big jaguar"....

This is Gabbie's "I'm trying to talk mommy into something" face. She wanted two things: 1. To go find the "lion" aka the jaguar and 2. To go sit by Miss Missy. She is relentless.

We finally found him!

And they were in heaven :) Gabbie asked if she could bring him home with her....

After getting their Southpaw fix, we finally headed over to the other side of the stadium so they could see Miss Missy and the marching band up close and personal....

OH.MY.GOODESS. This pic is precious.

They even got to go with Miss Missy and the flag girls (I know that there is another name for them...but for some reason, I cannot recall it at the moment :) while they warmed up for the half-time show....

They were completely mesmerized....

What is she doing???

Half-time show!! Ummm, yea, they definitely had front-row seats :)

Waving at Miss Missy....

Who, obviously, had a little too much going on for her to wave back :)

Jocie stood at the steps and high-fived the band members as they came back to their seats after the half-time show. It was hilarious. She SO thinks that she is actually in the band.

On the way back to their seats, the band-members were each given and apple (I guess it was their "after-performing-in-the-scorching-heat" snack. However, the apples were like completely miniature. The one Missy is holding was actually one of the largest ones. Seriously, you could have eaten them with one small bite.....

Jocie talked Missy into giving up her apple :)

Then Gabbie wanted one...but not a red one, of course, she wanted a green one (they have to have complete opposites these days). So, Missy went and fetched her one for the band stash....

During the 2nd half the girls decided they wanted to practice their cheerleading routine in front of the entire stadium. I wish they weren't so shy :) haha.

Yep, my friends...this is definitely one of my favorite pics of them ever!! Jocie's K-3 teacher had seen them "performing" and had come down to say hey to them. She asked them to stand next to each other for a picture and Jocie puts her arm around Gabbie and then they both cheesed it up for the camera. They SOOOO look like teenagers! I can't get over it!

As you can see, the first Jags game was a blast. They've asked every day since last Saturday if it's time to go back to the football game yet. I just hope the next game has just a tad bit cooler weather....the mama was pouring sweat at this one :)