A couple of weeks ago Gabbie was picked to as the Star Student of her class. The Star Student gets to decorate the class bulletin board so that everyone can get to know them a little better. I took Gab to Hobby Lobby so she could pick out a few decorations for her board. The chica new exactly what she wanted: yellow background, zebra print boarder, bright pink feathers...yes, feathers....and bright pink/purple sparkly paper. She gave me the list before we even walked into Hobby Lobby. If she is not an interior decorator or something like that one day....I will be shocked :)
The Star Student gets to do special things all week....be the line leader, bring a show-n-tell item to share with the class one day, bring special treats for the class one day, and have special recognition in chapel. Sadly, on Monday of her week, Gabbie came down with the stomach virus (SUPER fun), so she had to miss 3 days of school. Her sweet teacher, Mrs. Hannon, decided that since she missed most of her special week, that she wanted her to be the Star Student the following week as well so she would be able to get to do all the special things she had missed due to being sick (that was SO thoughtful of her teacher and Gabs was SO excited about that..........
and she was even more excited because that next week- guess who happened to the Star Student of their class at the same time as Gabbie???!!!.....YEP, Jocelyn!!!!!
Soooooo......I took Jocie to Hobby Lobby to pick out her decor' for her board. She did not have a "list" beforehand....she wanted to browse until she "found the decorations she reeeeeaaaalllly loved" :).....so and hour and a half later.......she had made her choices: yellow background, flower boarder, bright green/yellow paper, sparkly heart stickers, sparkly purple spirally thingys, and real-life looking birds and butterflies (you can see them better in the close-up pic). Could my girlies be any more different from each other!?!? One is a contemporary stylist....the other a flower-child....I.LOVE.IT.

They both enjoyed EVERY SECOND of their special week! They are both doing SO good in school and putting them in separate classes has been the best decision ever. They love their teachers and are both making friends in their classes. It's really sweet to watch them grow and mature. And I LOVE their school and the fact that they both come home everyday and are quoting their Bible verses to us and are singing songs about Jesus that they have learned at school. I'm just SO THANKFUL they are getting to go there this year. It's such a blessing and they are loving it!