Length: 25 3/4 in long (50%!!!!)
Gabbie- Weight: 14 lbs 13 oz (25%!!!)
Length: 24 3/4 in long (15%!!!)
The girls had their 6 month appt on Tuesday and as you can see from the pic above, the girls were shocked at their stats! They are actually ON THE GROWTH CHART NOW!!!! I thought they wouldn't be on the chart until they were like 5 years old or something! Needless to say, we are SO grateful that the Lord has allowed them to grow and develop so well. They haven't even been sick one time since they were born (not even a little cold!) We can't believe how much bigger they are from when they were born. It's almost unbelievable to go back and look at pictures and see how small they were. I put a few pics below so you can see the difference!
Shane holding the girls when they were a week old. Gabbie weighed 3 lbs 8 oz here and Jocelyn was 4 lbs 1 oz . They were TINY!!!
I love these two pictures! The girls were 1 month old in these pics and weighed a little under 5 pounds each. ( I remember thinking they were HUGE compared to when we brought them home from the hospital!)