Shane and I have a new workout plan....take 3 kids on a walk all at the same time! Gabby prefers being "on" you and Jocelyn and Jayden chill in the stoller. These outings usually take place right after dinner because this seems to be when everyone agress to "let's be really fussy right now all at the same time" :) Needless to say, we are out of breath upon returning from these adventures. Who needs a gym? This is a total body workout!
You look like me! It's a big deal to push my girls who weigh almost 70 lbs. combined plus the weight of the stroller, with my little 13 pounder strapped on me as well. I completely agree, that it is very much a total body workout!!!
At least you don't have to go to the gym to get a total body workout! That is awesome!
you should be "built up" and ready to add more weights when Journey gets there!!! Oh but where will you put her? You know Kelty Kids has backpack hikers you could put one in. Wouldn't that be a sight!!! I am convinced that what the Blacks and Summervilles has got going on is the WAY to do it when you have small kids. I would sacrifice the privacy for a couple of years just to not have to be so lonely during the day. Hope you are enjoying it. Sorry this is so long!!!
Girl...I have done that before and after being totally harrassed by drivers and barely being able to breathe we simply wait for the Daddyman to help! Wow! You are brave!! :)
i too have done this and yes it is a workout!
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