Last week me, Amy, and 4 kids piled into the sexy van and drove to Mobile. There were several times throughout the drive that I concluded that we were officially crazy for attempting to do this again. Amy's kids travel awesome. My kids are completely psycho in the car. They REFUSE to sleep AT ALL. Instead they SCREAM their heads off the ENTIRE drive. Very fun. Amy took a pic of me (above) attempting to calm Gabbie down by touching her (occasionally this works). It did work for a few minutes, but then my shoulder went completely numb from being in such a crazy position, so I had to stop. Screaming resumed. Jocelyn screamed so loud for so long that she finally threw up. Yes, that is right, vomited. Poor Amy cleaned it up b/c I was driving. Bless you, Amy. Did I mention that her kids actually SLEEP THROUGH my kids ridiculous screaming?? Yes, I don't know how, but they do. Needless to say, we made it to Mobile in record time b/c I was determined to get there as fast as possible so that the screaming would cease.
We stopped for lunch at this awesome McDonald's that has this huge play room where the kiddos can just run around like crazy and play. It was much needed.
Journey driving
Yes, that is our children 3 stories up. Don't really know how they got up there. Didn't really care at the moment :)
While we were in Mobile, the girls and I went to a Jaguars football game. It was lots of fun. We tailgated at the Loyd's tent (we also stayed with them while in Mobile...thanks SOOOO much!).
I took the girls to a pumpkin patch in Mobile with my friend Ariel and her son Jake. We tried to get pics of all three of them. That wasn't happening. They loved the pumpkins. They thought they were balls to throw. Not good. They got ticked that they couldn't pick up the big ones. Then they found the little ones. Nice.
One of my friends, Lauren, is driving her grandparent's car at the moment...yes, an El Camino. Classic. Love it. I had to get a pic of the girls in it.
The girls with Banks, Travis and Stephanie's son. I'm pretty sure they traumatized him with their screaming while we were there....sorry about that :)
After we stayed in Mobile a few days visiting friends, etc., the girls and I headed over to Jay to visit my family. On the way, we stopped in Pensacola to see my high school coach (Ms. K). She has never met the girls yet. She didn't know what she was getting into by letting them into her house. They destroyed the place in record time. It was amazing to watch. Below is a beautiful arrangement that Jocelyn put together for Ms. K. Amazing.
She showed them where the Tupperware was located. Bad idea :)
Sorry about your house! It was so great to see you!!
Sorry about your house! It was so great to see you!!
The day before we left, Gabbie threw a massive fit in the yard. Here are a few pics I was able to capture of the tantrum. I thought she was just ticked off that day...but then I realized the next day that she was just trying to prepare me for the ride home. The girls and I had to make the trip back to Orlando by ourselves. Yes, I am officially crazy. I thought they screamed on the way to Mobile and that it really couldn't get any worse. I was wrong. I even gave them benedryl after lunch to see if that would make them sleep. Not so much. Jocelyn threw up twice and Gabbie threw up once from screaming so much. I made it home in a new record time. Thank you Jesus for not letting me get a ticket (b/c I would have totally deserved one :) The traveling was a complete nightmare, but it has to be done to see friends and, it's worth it to me. I'm sure I'll probably even do it again after I give myself a few months to recover :)
They are so adorable, and they are getting so big!! Hope you guys are doing well!
I am so sorry to hear the trip was hard. LaJuan, Brady was the same way. One trip to Pensacola to see John's mom he screamed the entire 4.5 hours. Not one break. We got out once to play it off. He was fine until I strapped him back in and the screaming began. After that I stopped traveling during daylight with him. I told John that traveling at night was really safer for us considering the terrible distraction screaming is. I would rather chance the scary night than hear the screaming. He traveled better after that. Not good but better - it was easier for him to sleep. Don't know if that might work and I know that drive is awful long.
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