I have to break up our Christmas trip into 3 parts because there are just too many pics and stories to share at one time. This is part one. The Saturday before Christmas we drove from Orlando to Mobile. As I have mentioned before, the girls are a nightmare in the car. They despise traveling. They scream and scream and scream from the minute we get in the car until we get out. You probably think I am exaggerating. I am not. Needless to say, the traveling part of our Christmas journey was no fun. However, once we arrived at our various destinations, we had a blast.
You are probably confused about the above picture...please allow me to explain...a while back Gabbie became insanely paranoid in the bath tub because for several days in a row, Jocelyn decided to poop in the tub. The poop scared Gabbie so badly that she would basically start hyperventilating. Well, it got so bad that we could barely get her in the bath tub to take a bath every night. She would start screaming before her feet even hit the water. She thought the shadows in the water were poop, a tiny piece of grass floating in the water was poop, a scratch on the bath tub floor was poop....it was awful. After several nights of this hysteria, I walked into the bathroom and saw the above taking place. Shane had become so desperate, that he thought if he actually got in the tub with her she would calm down. Obviously that didn't work...please notice his expression....priceless! The reason I put this picture on our Christmas trip post is because this poop phobia insanity continued on our entire trip...in every bath tub we used at our various locations....except, not only were things in the bath tub poop, but all things in life were poop...food on her highchair, dust on the end table, a grain of sand on the porch....it drove us crazy!! I will say that since we have been back, her phobia seems to be calming down a bit....HOPEFULLY!
The Rubles graciously opened up their home and allowed us to stay with them while we were in Mobile. I know they were so very thankful for the much added chaos that we brought to their normally peaceful lives. Thanks so much for putting up with us!
The girls had several things at the Rubles to keep them entertained...like throwing little balls under the bed and then trying to have go-go gadget arms to get them....
Having a love/hate relationship with their dog, Sophie. One minute they would want to play with her and the very next second they would be screaming bloody murder as if she was viciously attacking them. That was LOTS of fun. Please notice the random yellow rubber chicken that Jocelyn is trying to pet Sophie with......hilarious.
The Lyle twins stopped by to see us. They were looking at the girls' first year book that I made on Shutterfly. I thought this pic was sweet....twin girls looking at my twin girls' book. Love you guys! Thanks for coming to see us!!
Our last night in Mobile we went with the Parks to Bellingrath Gardens to see the Christmas lights. The girls LOVED it. All they kept saying was "cooooool" and "wooooow" and "mo, mo, mo" (their version of "more")....too cute!
The first picture is too funny!!! Tell Shane that John and JK got a good laugh from it too!!! Glad you had a good Christmas!!
The tub pic absolutely cracks me up! Especially Shane's face. The poop story all together is amazing! :) The girls are getting so big! Preciousness!!! You look great!
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