The morning of the actual 4
th we left Jay and headed back to Mobile just in time for the Grace 4
th of July cookout and pool party at the
Meduna's. It was way fun!
Here is Dougie fresh grilling up some burgs and dogs...

Everyone brought yummy sides and I brought, well, you guessed enormo watermelon. The food was fab.

Laura Jo, Brynn and Richard relaxing in the shade...Brynn, what in the world are you laughing at??

Bette handing out
pop sickles to the kiddos...those are always a big hit :)

Robyn and sweet baby Caroline...I've got to get me one of those watermelon outfits...just

Blue sickle for Gab

And Red for
Joc, opposites of course :)

Precious little Emily all ready for the pool...SO cute!

Everybody loves the slide...

Waiting to jump off the diving board...

while holding daddy's hand, of course :)

What a fun, fun pool party!! A big thanks to the

After naps we headed over to the Loyd's for our last party of the day...Another yummy cookout and a
gigantor slip-n-slide. Needless to say, it was a blast!
Mark and Micah speeding down the slide...

WOW. The daddy is powerful.

Gabster eating water :)

Matt giving Hudson some extra momentum....

Micah is hilarious. He decided on his own to make a beard out of the bubbles. Too cute!

Gabbie making sure her American Flag is clean :) She is so patriotic.
Steph and her little look-a-like, Banks.

I think he may have just pulled
Jocie's arm completely off :)

The beards became contagious.... :)

Love this face!

Come on Banks!! You can do it!!

Look at this


Sweet little Molly Kate with her cousin Banks.

I really would like to know how many pictures EXACTLY like this one have been taken of me over the years. Seriously. There must be hundreds :)

What a fantastic 4
th of July weekend celebration!! Whoop Whoop!
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