The past two Thursdays there has been a kid's festival downtown at Bienvelle Square that me and some friends have taken our kids to. They had all kind of fun things down there for the kiddos like....a small petting zoo....

The sea lab had a display for the kids to touch all kind of sea creatures. The girls thought this was way cool....

There was a clown making things with balloons. The girls wanted a fishing pole with a fish on it...go figure....

They could play with hula-hoops....

And get their faces painted....

Gabbie sat completely still while she got a dolphin painted on her cheek...

Jocelyn decided she wanted a pink flamingo on her arm...

Gabbie's finished product....

And Jocelyn's....

Posing for a pic with their friend, Caroline. Gabbie loves taking pictures :)

Jude getting a really cool snake painted on his arm...

Their fishing pole balloons busted (of course) so they wanted to go get swords with belts....who knew the clown could do that??

They LOVED them.

Jude had to get a sword, too :)

I was just praying on the way to the car that those dang balloons wouldn't pop so at least we would have a peaceful ride back home. That prayer was answered, however, right after their nap they started sword fighting and it was bye-bye to the sword balloons....the rest of the day was WAY fun :)
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