Sunday, June 14, 2009

The Park

We've been taking the girls to a park near our house on the weekends. They absolutely love it. I never thought they would be able to actually "play" at a playground. I don't know why...I guess I just pictured them always being tiny little preemie babies :) They definitely are not tiny little babies makes me kind of sad....just kind of :)

Jocelyn likes to slide down backwards. She thinks it is hilarious!

Gabbie spent most of her time picking up the little black pieces of tire (I believe it is recycled tires?) and putting them on the slide. She loves doing intricate little things like that!

See-Saw time!!

I used to LOVE the merry-go-round when I was kid. It used to make me sick, but I still loved it!

Jocie and Daddy :)

1 comment:

nan said...

Fun! They are growing up fast. Sorry I didn't get to go to the cook out. It was a good call not to come with Tyler he wasn't feeling good and started throwing up shortly after Tony left for the cookout. My sister had her babies. She made it all the way to 38weeks and then they took them by C-section. Anna Denise and Sara Jane. All seems to be good so far. My mom is there with her and her husband hasn't got deployed yet they are expecting him to be deployed in the next couple of week and momma and jan will drive from Washington state to Georgia mid august when the docter releases her to drive.