Monday, April 9, 2012

It's that time of year again....

The girls have been asking "Is it time to go swimming yet??" for about two months 10 times a day. For reals. I mean, it really did just hop from fall to summer with a half a day of winter in between here...gotta love this good Ol' Mobile weather :) My answer to them every time is "not yet...but almost!". Well, they got sick of hearing that I guess because the other day they were playing in their room together and then after a little bit they came into our room and made their point.... :))))
I can you resist these faces?!?!?
SOOOO, the daddy had to do something......

Well, I guess that's one way to do it ..... :))

Needless to say....the sprinkler got the job least for one day :)

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