Sunday, May 12, 2013

Baby Lizard

I never would have thought that Gabbie would be my lizard-loving child.....but, as you can see....SHE.IS.  She is constantly searching for her lizard friends in our yard and here is one lucky little lizard that she happened to find a few weeks back. She came into the house and told me she found a "baby lizard" and that she made a bed and a home for it. She told me to come outside and see it. is her handy work.....

baby lizard in it's homemade bed....and yes, the lizard just laid was crazy.

Baby lizard's home....complete with fence (white ribbon on right), kitchen table (other napkin below the bed), and we can't forget all the grass that she picked and specifically arranged as the "house decorations".  She has an eye for detail....that's for sure :)

Jocie likes the Gabbie's lizards from a distance....she likes the idea of them and she likes that Gabbie holds them and makes homes for them....but she def. doesn't want to touch or hold any of them. She usually plays the role of the lizard doctor. Gabbie brings her lizards to Dr. Jocie and Jocie listens to their heart beat and gives them their shots (while Gabbie holds them) and then Gabbie takes the lizards back home so they can take a nap. Poor lizards. Not all of them end up with no heartbeat at Dr. Jocie's office....but most of them do....The Gabster just pets them and pets them....until they "fall asleep for a really long time b/c they are sooooo tired"........poor little lizards....atleast they have a really cool home for a little while :)

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