Saturday, February 18, 2012

Katie's surprise (not really a surprise) birthday party :)

Scott planned a surprise birthday party for Katie....but then he ended up telling her about it a few hours before the I guess technically, it wasn't a surprise party in the end :) Regardless, it was way fun and I'm pretty sure she had a good time....or, at least, from this pic we know Fallon did :)
Jimbob, Shane and Sean....and yes, Jim asked Shane to hold his drink for him while I took the picture, of course :)
Whatever that fruity, slushy stuff was good :)
The amazing cookies and creme cake and mint chocolate chip ice cream waiting for us....

The birthday girl and the Beckster....or some might know them as the pastors' wives :)

"Man, doesn't it seem like yesterday that we were all at South?!".....yep....but it's been a quite a while, fellas :)

Getting geared up to blow out her candles!

Good times and some GOOD dang cake and ice cream. Man, I could eat a bowl of that right now....

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