Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Breastpump Search

OK, this is very random...but, for the past several months I have been using Amy's medela breastpump. Well, as most of you know, Amy is having her daughter in a month and will be needing to use her breastpump. We could both use it (with out own attachments of course :) while we are here together but she may be traveling for Thanksgiving and we are going to be traveling at Christmas and I will be needing a pump during those times. SOOOOO, I say all that to say...I am putting this random request on here to see if anyone has a medela breastpump that I could use from the end of October through the beginning of March (I plan on breastfeeding for a year....but we shall see :). If you have one I can use or know someone who does, please let me know. THANKS!

1 comment:

angie said...

Lajuan I have one and I am twenty min away. Angie