Saturday, August 20, 2011

5 Rivers Delta Safari Boat Tour

Back in April I purchased this Living Social deal for a 5 Rivers Delta Safari boat tour. I had planned on trying to go back in May when it wasn't scorching outside but all of the sudden it was mid-August and the coupon was about to expire, thus we made reservations to go last Saturday. The tour was from 4-6pm and it ended up becoming overcast about 15 minutes into our tour and actually was quite pleasant. The girls were SUPER excited about the possibility of seeing a turtle, birds, and maybe even an alligator up close and personal. This guy drove the boat....

and this guy talked the entire 2 hours telling us every fact known to man about the 5 rivers, the wildlife around, etc. He was pretty funny, which made the constant talking bearable :).....

On the search for some wildlife....
Our first siting was this bird....
and then THIS!!! The girls went crazy. They wanted to get close enough to "pet" the alligator. Ha!
Some more birds....

The causeway from a different perspective....

Another alligator....this one was a "wittle baby awigator"....
Another bird....

Another big gator...
Another bird....
It was such a fun trip and the girls did really good. They were sad they didn't see a turtle, but they were ok once we told them they were all asleep :)

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Next time come to our house and you can see all the above in our backyard...less the alligators. But you are almost guaranteed to see a turtle or two or three!