Tuesday, October 18, 2011

USA 2011 Homecoming Game!!

Saturday we headed down to Ladd Peebles Stadium for the 2011 Homecoming Game. My parent's came over to join me and the girls for the game. They were decked in their new "cheerleaders" and ready to show MawMaw and PawPaw the "willy big football game" :)
The girls got to see Daddy for a quick second before he had to head back to the field....
Shane (red shirt, red hat) looks so tiny next to the big-haired, big bodied number 47. He is from my hometown by the way :)
Jocie, the cheezer :)
Kristen let Gabbie borrow her sunglasses. They totally fit her! Geeeeez, she looks so old!
OK, so normally I would have quite a few more pictures of our festivities at the game, however right after I took this picture, things went haywire. Seriously. Let me back up....so on Friday, Shane, the girls, and I all went and got our flu shots. Friday night I was feeling super tired and went to bed at like 7:45pm (very not like me). Saturday morning when I got up I didn't feel very well. Colleen was coming over for us to go on a run and I tried to just shake off the fact that I felt like trash. I just told myself that after I ran I would probably feel better. Well, I didn't make it very far and I had to turn around and go back home b/c I felt like I was going to totally throw-up and I was aching all over. Not good. I tried to lay down but that was kind of difficult since I had the girls (Shane was already down at the stadium with the team) and they were in "rare" form :) When my parents got here I still was feeling awful, but I thought if I got out and just went to the game I would feel better (what in the world was I thinking??). For some reason I did not realize it was so HOT that day. We had awesome seats on the 50 yard line, but the sun was also bearing down on us. I started to feel worse and worse. The girls had to go to the bathroom like 100 times, so I kept having to walk up the stadium steps to the bathroom and every time I would feel like I was going to pass out and throw-up even more. I went with the girls and my mom to the concession stand and I knew at that moment I was going to have to have someone drive me home. I was feeling like super not well....like really really weird. My mom was in the bathroom at the time and I was leaned up against the wall with my head down. The concession stand lady asked me if I was ok. I whispered, "NO, I need to go home". About this time, by the GRACE of GOD, Morgan and Kristina Spivey walked up and asked if I was ok. I obviously was not ok. Kristina took the girls back to our seats where my dad was and I told my mom to go get the Lyle sisters so they could drive me home. Well, about this time I start to pass out and almost throw-up and Morgan scrambles and find a wheelchair for me to sit in while they call the paramedics. I really started freaking out at this point because all of the sudden my legs and arms went numb and my hand and wrists turned inward like I was started to seize. My blood pressure was crazy low...like 75 over 35. WHAT IN THE WORLD?? Long story short, they called an ambulance and rushed me to the ER. After several hours, lots of IV fluid, nausea medicine, urine test, chest x-rays, and blood tests they finally concluded that they think I had an adverse reaction to the flu shot from the day before and that it seemed I had some sort of flu-like sickness afterwards as well. They sent me home with pain meds and nausea meds and said go to bed. OK. Awesome. I thought I get the flu shot to NOT get sick?? Yea, probably won't be getting one of those again in the future. The next day I basically had the stomach bug all day and coughed like I was getting bronchitis. Finally by Monday evening I started to feel a bit better. Oh, but I forgot to mention that Sunday night Shane got sick and Gabbie started screaming with her ears so they went to a walk in clinic and found out that Gabbie had a severe double ear infection and Shane had some kind of nasty virus that he ended up getting a steriod shot for. By Monday he was feeling better and Gabbie didn't seem too bothered by her ears. Monday night we went to bed early because the weekend had wiped us out. WELL....at midnight the Gabster woke up throwing up and didn't stop till noon the next day. Awesome. At least it was short-lived. So Wednesday we seemed to be on the upswing and I was just praying that Joc didn't start throwing up. Thursday night we were about to go to bed and Gabbie woke up SCREAMING bloody murder saying her right ear was hurting. She was up till 1:30pm constantly screaming. It was so sad. We gave her all the medicine and drops that we could but it took forever to get some relief. I took her the next day and apparently the antibiotic she had been on had worked on the left ear but her right ear looked "totally nasty". The doctor switched her to a different antibiotic and so far she hasn't had that kind of pain anymore so HOPEFULLY it is getting better. GEEEEEEZ....what a week. Dear Lord- please keep us healthy....at least for a few days. Amen.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

yikes! So scary! I'm glad you are all on the mend! And this post is enough for me not to want to get a flu shot.